About Creature of Habit
"A person who follows an unvarying routine."
"The range of practices that support skin integrity, enhance its appearance and relieve skin conditions."
"The practice of taking an active role in protecting one’s own wellbeing and happiness."
None of these ideas are complicated, so why are we made to feel that they are?
Skincare should be easy, enjoyable and fulfilling. It’s the process of looking after your own skin.
The beauty industry and the products on offer seem to become more complex by the day. We’re bombarded with recommendations, advertising, buzzwords and trends that make it impossible to work out what you should be doing and using.
We want to change that.
Creature of Habit exists for people, of all skin types and tones, to develop a simple, easy-to-follow skincare routine with products that gives results.
Taking care of your skin shouldn’t feel like a chore that’s been designed to overwhelm and confuse. It should be something that you enjoy, that fits into your lifestyle and self-care routine.
We believe in multifunctional products.We believe in building an easy skincare routine.
It’s time to simplify your skincare routine and become a Creature of Habit
Creature of Habit was born from a desire to scale back and simplify the 10-step skincare routine that’s become the norm. Your skin doesn’t need it, and neither does your stress levels.
We see skincare as being about balance. There are days where you need quick and effective solutions, and other days (or nights) where you want to slow down and be mindful and considered with your skincare.
At those times, it’s about enjoying the ritual and connection to your skin. That’s just as important as the other stuff.
Meet our founder, Jaina

“I used to watch my grandmother and mother do their skincare routine every day, like a ritual. Their routines were so simple and easy to follow.
I was the complete opposite. After years of buying pretty much every product going, I often found myself feeling overwhelmed by the amount of information and ‘must have’ products out there and my skin did too. I stopped enjoying skincare as a result. I realised I had to take it back to basics and took inspiration from the simpler, deliberate routines I saw my mum and grandmother follow.
I’ve come full circle since then and now I feel that the simple ways, the old ways, really are the best. For me and my skin.
My skincare and makeup routine are both completely different now. I focus more on using the right ingredients, less products and listening to my skin for the first time in a long time. Simplifying my beauty routine began with my skincare, I started using the essential products that my skin needed. And it worked!
Being caught in this cycle of over consumption, and overwhelm, which then leads to a compromised skin barrier is what led me to create Creature of Habit. Creature of Habit is here to help people break out of that cycle of perpetual product consumption and pressure to try the next fad. Our focus is to ensure our customers have a simple, easy to follow skincare routine nailed, that isn’t overwhelming.
I trained with an accredited school of Organic Cosmetic Science to further my knowledge of skincare formulation and gained a Diploma in Organic Skincare Formulation. This, coupled with my background in Chemical Engineering, enabled me to build Creature of Habit as it is today.
We only have one life, one body and one skin – it’s important to enjoy the ritual of taking care of it. Creature of Habit has been created to help you to do just that.”